Looking for some streaming advice

I am looking for some help in meeting some objectives whilst updating my streaming system please.

my current set up is fairly simple:

music source:  my CD collection ripped using Apple lossless to a Windows 10 PC which sits upstairs next to my router (BT Hub) running LMS and also iTunes.  I also stream a lot of radio (music and talk) and also use BBC Sounds to listen to archive stuff.  I also Spotify to audition music before I buy although once Spotify launch their lossless service I’ll probably stop buying music.

the network is both WiFi using the BT hub and a wired Ubiquiti AP.  The connection to my streamer is via a Devolo 500 power line.

my system is a Naim superuniti, a Logitech squeezebox touch and a pair of PMC twenty5 24’s.  I use iPeng to control the system.  I use the Touch as streamer rather than the superuniti so I can use iPeng.

I also use a Sonos 1 in the kitchen and a Logitech squeezebox radio in the dining room.  Both on WiFi

i use iTunes to keep all my music library on my iPhone (compressed) so I can listen in the car.

What I’m trying to achieve:

Overcome network issues where sometimes music stutters or hangs.  Also PC restarting and not restarting the LMS.

a single iPhone app that will seamlessly play music on all devices (currently the touch and radio are well integrated but not the Sonos.

improve SQ

what I’m considering 

Adding a Innuous Zenith Mark 3 connected (USB) directly to Superuniti with all my ripped music either moved or duplicated from PC to Zenith.  - this will presumably cure any network issues and should improve SQ.  I did consider a QNAP but purely for aesthetics discounted that option.

subscribing to Roon to unify all my needs

upgrading the Logitech Radio to a Naim Mu-so QB - improved SQ


1. Does this sound sensible / will it work?

2 how do I keep music on the Zenith and my PC in sync so that I can keep my phone updated with any new CD’s I rip.?

3. Is there any advantage in adding an Ethernet switch between the Zennith and Naim?

My advice is Qobuz now. Run it on BubbleUPnP into the Naim.  Not sure what you mean by sync but I have my music on SSDs plugged into streamers vis USB. All but BluSound have network places on the PC and can be loaded remotely via WiFi.
None (5) have stutter issuesI don't see USB A or B on the Naim to hook anything up..