Looking for Silent Fan Cooling f my ARC Tube AMP

I have my ARC tube amp in a corner. I like to stick a fan behind it . The one from radio shack worked great but made a little noise. Any suggestions . Thanks to all !
128x128Ag insider logo xs@2xweiserb
As for quiet fans, I found this site a while back that sells ultra quiet fans for PC's. I've never dealt with them so I can't attest to the quality of their service, but you might check out their catalog and see if there are products available that fit your needs.

i have an ARC fan set-up with a vent sytem -rack mount in their aluminum finish. USed for my old ARC tube amps- no scratches on it.

Stuart Kishner

cooling fan with no noice........take a so great possible fan and reduce the rotation speed

works verry well
