Looking for recs for my first foray into MC cartridges...

I am hoping to keep my budget around $500.
Existing system includes:
-Garrard 301 turntable 
-Thomas Schick 12" tonearm
-Jolida JD 9 II tube phono stage
-Supratek Chenin Line stage tube preamp
-Cary 200.2 solid state power amp
-KEF r700 loudspeakers
-REL r900 subwoofer

@sbank, the Quintets are low compliance, weigh 9 grams and sound very good so they could be considered in this case.  I own a 103S, have used other 103 types in the past.  My opinion is that the Quintets are bit more refined than the 103.  This was apparent when playing orchestral pieces. Good bass and treble not tipped up either.
Jared, how do you like your sound? Do you want something detailed? Warmer in the mids? What cartridge are you using now, and what do you feel like the change should do?
@thiefoflight I do love my sound now, just always looking for something more. I currently use an Ortofon 2M Bronze cart as my main (I also use an Ortofon 2M mono and an Ortofon 78 cart). I am definitely looking for more detail...
