Looking for really fine cables at really low price

I have been listening to excellent sounding Exemplar exception cables for the last several weeks. While my HFCables are better they are also much more expensive than the below $500 cables.

They offer an excellent sound stage, dynamics, and top to bottom quality sound. Not only are they inexpensive but they are very portable and easy to install.

I am not a dealer or investor in this company.

Showing 12 responses by metman

FWIW, the WE 16 ga wire is currently available on eBay in both red and black under seller tajacobs for $1.39 per ft. just purchased 40 ft myself

Will do, I'm currently using the white lightning cables which actually sound pretty decent considering the absurdly low price tag but I'm also very eager to hear the WECO cables. You know tou have a winner when you're comparing these to cables costing around $1000.00. Think I'm going to bite on the Beldens as well
I'm willing to bet that that the 14 ga wire or 12 etc... Probably sound just as good. If anyone buys it please let us know
Hooked the cables up last night and listened for approx 3-4 hours. Very impressed thus far, big improvements over the WLM in all areas. Didn't want to stop listening! my interconnects are very mediocre and really looking forward to hearing how the 8402's mate with the WECO cables
The primary reason for terminating copper speaker wires is that oxidation sets in and degrades the sound but because the WE wires are tinned that won't happen so no sense in introducing another component like spades or plugs that could possibly effect the sound . YMMV
I was never one to experiment very much with speaker wire considering how expensive many of them are so I really can't compare the WE wire to brand X or Y but I can definitively say the WECO wire has made a big difference in my system and I only have approximately ten or so hours on them and can only imagine them getting better as they run in. From a price/value standpoint these are off the charts.
How difficult is it to solder connectors to the Belden 8402 cable, I would really like to save some money trying it myself

I did read the Wordpress blog and saw the comments regarding the WECO cables being in another league compared to the WLM,. The wire just arrived yesterday and looking forward to connecting it this weekend.
I also plan on purchasing the 8402's in the not so near future.
It's ironic I started my telco career with Western Electric in 1980 in a mammouth warehouse that probably had boatloads of this wire but to quote Rod Lane from Faces "I wish that I knew what I know now when I was younger"
I'm also very impressed with the depth and layering of the music as well as the other attributes you mentioned. Any diy experience out there with the Belden's?
I have a straight run from speakers to amp - no braiding or twisting and it sounds pretty damn good. Will I realize an additional benefit twisting the + and - around each other from speaker to amp?
I tried to wait until I had more hours on the cables before commenting too elaborate now have between 50-100 hours on them. Overall I'm very happy with them but did experience a little brightness in the upper registers but that seemed to have passed and it really only occured on CDs that were a bit bright to begin with. There's a big improvement in all other phases and for the money there are just stupid good.
For me what really makes this hobby enjoyable is finding something as inexpensive as these cables are and having them make as big a difference as they do

Give them some more time to break as they will continue to improve over time. Ask your wife what she thinks after 100 hours or so
I may be mistaken but the reason for terminating untinned copper wires is because it is susceptible to oxidation which does affect the sound. If they're tinned just use the bare wire with no worries