Looking for really fine cables at really low price

I have been listening to excellent sounding Exemplar exception cables for the last several weeks. While my HFCables are better they are also much more expensive than the below $500 cables.

They offer an excellent sound stage, dynamics, and top to bottom quality sound. Not only are they inexpensive but they are very portable and easy to install.

I am not a dealer or investor in this company.

Showing 7 responses by mac48025

What great read this thread has been.......plenty of experimentation, information, science and artistic reviews.......without any juvenile bickering that plagues so many forums. Sooooo refreshing!

After reading Jim Smiths newsletter, Jeff Days blog and this thread I just had to join the fray! After so many years pursuing that perfectly detailed audiophile sound, I found myself spending more time straining to hear every audiophile sound effect I was told was sonic utopia instead of actually enjoying music. While my system is resolving, I'm sure it's pretty pedestrian compared to many hear.......Tekton Enzo's, two Vandersteen 2w's, Odyssey Kismet Monoblocks & Candela preamp, Oppo 105d, Schiit Yggdrasil and Wywires Power Broker. So far I'm very happy with the dynamics, tonality and musicality of its sound which made trying out the WE speaker cables and Belden 8402 interconnects irresistible. Until recently I was using all Groneberg cables, interconnects and PC's. I changed to WE 14ga speaker wire today and I'm already liking the results. I can't wait for them to burn in. I have some Belden 8402 and switchcraft RCA connectors arriving in two days. I ordered solder connectors, would compression fittings be better? Not sure if soldering will negatively effect the sound. 

Thanks for all the great information, commentary, insight .......and hopefully some advice into my first foray in making my own interconnects.

Thanks Rob, so far I'm really enjoying the "natural " sound of the WE 16ga speaker cables with the Belden 8402 interconnects. They have a long way to burn in yet, but so far they seem to be a good match for my system. One unexpected improvement upon changing to the Beldon interconnects is that my slight 60 cycle hum I was experiencing diminished quite a bit....maybe just a coincidence or I corrected a loose connection I had.

With the new DAC, speaker cables and interconnects  I'm enjoying my cd collection all over again........with streaming audio coming soon. Does this audio journey ever end? Let's hope not :)
FWIW Jazz I bought 150' of the WE 14ga wire from soundofthetheater and it looks just like the 16ga I got from Jacobs except with more strands. Since my last post my wire has fully burned in and I love it. I prefer its sound over the Kimber and Groneberg I had.......for a fraction of the cost. 

So true, the journey is more interesting and never ending. After many years of chasing an audiophile sound of uber resolution, pin point imaging and chrystaline clarity I'm now enjoy real, musical sound so much more. Dynamics, tone and presence are my goal now. Thanks to Jim Smith and Jeff Day the WE and Belden cables came into my system and vintage tube amps and Altec speakers are next. Real sound at reasonable prices......I love it!
Hey Rob,

please keep us posted about your Altec experience. I'm still trying to decide between the A5, A7 or model 19. The 19's were made for home use but I'm leaning towards the VOTT's and would love to hear your experience with the Altec's.

Yes, I was very re-miss in not mentioning Yazuki-San. He has been so gracious in also giving me tube and capacitor recommendations for my Candela pre amp and my vintage RCA tubes should be here any day now. The blue and green cactus caps from Arizona Capacitors will be next. Then some vintage McIntosh tube Monoblocks along with the Altecs. Oh, how fun this is!!!!!!

Happy Holidays,

Ok Jazz.......it's official, you're audio crazed! 1000'? Wow, I love it and have WE wire envy now!  Guess I should order more :) I noticed soundofthetheater is sold out of 10 and 12 ga, so I better get looking for some elsewhere before it's no where to be found.

Ive not tried the WE14ga for interconnects as I'm quite happy with the Belden 8402. I believe Jeff Day and Yazaki-San both preferred the Belden for interconnects and WE16ga for speaker cable and wiring speakers, crossovers and amps.  
Jazz.....have you found any sonic differences between the different gauge WE wires? I just ordered 96' of WE 10ga and am wondering if it would be better used as speaker wire or internal wiring in amps and speakers. I'm currently running 16 and 14 ga wires in parallel to the speakers and love the sound.....dare I add 10ga to the mix? Most likely I'll save the 10ga for any internal wiring I might do and for power cords.

So true. 1000' of WE wire is less expensive than one pair many high end interconnects. That alone should be enough reason for me to order some more! 
I found 16' pairs of WE 10ga on eBay......tajacobs. I believe they have pairs up to 30'. Hope that helps. 

Im no wire expert by any means and don't know what it is about the WE wire that makes it so good, but the tinned copper they used might be preferable to the "better" 6N copper, but an alternative wire would be great as the NOS WE wire won't be around forever.