Looking for preamp reccomendations

Hi, I'm pretty new here but getting excited by my soon to be new system.

TT: Technics SL1210mk2 w/KAB fluid damper, RCA/ground kit
Cart: Ortofon 2M Blue
Streamer: Node 2i
Pre: TBD
Power: MC7270
Speakers: Ohm Super Walsh 4.4012 w/ active subwoofers (on order)

Preamp Requirements:
Phono stage (preferably tube)
Extra set of line/RCA outs for the sub connections

Budget: $1-$2k

What I like:
Very broad range of music; folk, blues, punk, hip-hop, country
A ~romantic~ soundstage
Something that I can live with for a few years
Something nice to look at, ARC and McIntosh and the like

If the remote option isn't feasible at this price range that is the only requirement I could realistically go without.

Looking forward to hearing your thoughts and opinions, I've found these forums to be a great deal of help so far.


Showing 4 responses by jjss49

you narrow the field alot when you say tube pre WITH PHONO STAGE WITH REMOTE for 2 grand

suggestion - unless you are absolutely whetted to the mcintosh tube amp - it would be much smarter to get a nice tube (or good sounding ss) integrated amp with remote, then add a sweet phono stage

i stand corrected -- i don’t know my vintage mac gear -- sorry

my point about the integrated amp still stands... get a modern good sounding integrated amp with a phono stage, sell the ss power amp, might come out ahead vs trying to get a good tube preamp with phono stage and remote capability for 2 grand or less

because you said in your opening post you have mc7270 tube power amp

is it my reading or your writing that is problematic?

i am only on my 9th beer this afternoon, but i think i can still read hahahaha