Looking for Polarity Invert Feature...

Does anyone know of a decent preamp, stand-alone CD player, or DAC that has a polarity invert feature? It seems to be fairly uncommon, but I need that feature (along with good sound) if I can get it. It's important that I be able to simply push a button rather than changing the speaker leads all the time.

Thank you for any suggestions!

Showing 1 response by dopogue

Vett93, your speakers are probably not polarity coherent (most aren't). I never heard polarity differences on that Chesky CD either, before I got my Gallo Reference 3 speakers.

I ended up with an Aesthetix Calypso linestage for this very reason (polarity switching via the remote). Plato, the Calypso offers both RCA and XLR inputs/outputs -- all of them -- another reason I like it. Dave