Looking for new (to me) Speakers for Leben CS300XS---Devore, Harbeth, or Reference 3A?

Hi, I am motivated to purchase one of these soon to use with the 15 watt Leben. I will be replacing my Zu's which are for sale here.

Does anyone have any suggestions for me?

DeVore Gibbon The Nines = $3.4k and a 81 mile round trip.

Harbeth C7ES-3 = $3.k and a 19 mile round trip. 

Reference 3A Episode BE = $2.7k and 36.5 mile round trip.

What would you do?



Showing 1 response by cd318

Yes, some good advice here. Use your Leben to audition if at all possible.

An 81mile round trip ain't too bad. I once did a near 400 mile round trip to pick up some Quads! Never again.

As @tvad said, why limit yourself to a choice between these three? The Tekton Perfect Set certainly looks intriguing.