Looking for new speakers

Hey everyone, I'm located in the South and do not have many speaker choices locally. From what I've read, my interest leans toward Spendor and Joseph Audio, along with a few others. The nearest Spendor dealer is 500 miles away, Joseph Audio, 600 miles in a different direction. My musical tastes; I could listen to Ry Cooder and nothing else, but I also like JJ Cale, Clapton, Jerry Douglas, Tony Furtado, John Hiatt, etc. I'm currently using an all PS Audio system; PerfectWave DAC & Transport, and a Trio 100 Power Amp. Here's a list of my primary suspects...

Spendor A5
Spendor A6
Joseph Audio RM22XL
Joseph Audio RM25XL (probably out of my price range)
Epos M22i
Totem Forest
Dynaudio Focus 220 II

The deepest base is not as important as an uncolored midrange and smooth highs, but if it goes low and remains true thats great. I will probably go to one dealer when I have my choices narrowed down and have a listen. Please help point me in the right direction.

Showing 1 response by david12

Some great choices there, I like Epos and Devore in particular. One thing you can try with a small company like Devore, is to ask the company if anyone near you is using the speakers and whether they would let you have a listen. Small companies often attract enthusiastic owners who like to spread the word.
Having been on a similar search, I am waiting for a pair of Daedalus Da-Rmas to arrive, but the Devore Gibbon 9's were very close to the Daedalus