Looking for new DAC: one box or two?

Hello all. I am considering a new DAC to replace my Musical Fidelity TriVista 21, which is fed by a MF A3.2 CDP. For digital, I currently listen only to redbook cd, no SACD or computer audio (yet). I like the sound I have but know that the TriVista is probably quite outdated compared to today's DACs. My question is: should I look for a one box CDP/DAC or a stand-alone DAC that I can feed with my A3.2 CDP (which--knock wood--has been trouble-free for 12-13 hrs.)? Vinyl is my primary source, but I have a lot of cds and still enjoy listening to them. Thanks for your advice.

System: VPI Scoutmaster TT (SDS, upgraded clamp), Soundsmith Paua cartridge, Transparent Reference Phono MM2 cables, Herron VTPH-2 phono stage, Musical Fidelity TriVista 21 DAC, Musical Fidelity 3.2 CDP, Transparent digital cable and music link Ultra interconnects, Musical Fidelity NuVista 800 integrated amp, Transparent Reference MM2 speaker cables, and Wilson Audio Sashas. Also Transparent power conditioner and power cables.

Showing 18 responses by arsh

Thanks. To some extent my question relates to the relative importance of the transport and the pros/cons of having the transport and DAC together or separate.
Thanks George. I have had the left channel tube(s?) go out twice. Last repair was 2-3 yrs ago. Are you very familiar with this DAC? If so, would you please comment on how it compares to modern DACs? Thanks!
Thanks George. I need to educate myself a bit (no pun intended) on the subject of DAC chips. I do like the sound I have, but I really have not listened to any other DACs in my system. What other suggestions do you have besides what you mentioned?
Thank you guys very much for your responses. So, does anyone have some suggestions of particular DACs? I have read several of the threads here already. Are any of the usual suspects a particularly good match for my system? Thanks.
Thanks Dfarmer. I really have dragged my feet on the computer audio thing, but I do want to get a DAC that will allow me to do what you suggest. I assume you have the Ayre? Do you have any experience with other DACs? How did you rip your cds? Thanks!
Thanks Coli. This is getting confusing. Are you suggesting that my old TriVista would still be competitive with today's DACs? I guess the only way for me to know is an A-B comparison in my system. But I had assumed that new ones would easily beat mine. Anyone?...
Thank you for the suggestions, Hew. I have read about Lampizator and a little about Metrum. I will look up BMC. My list at the moment includes Aesthetix Pandora, Ear DAC 4, playback designs mpd-3, Rowland Aeris, and possibly an Esoteric K-03 or K-01 (used). Problem is that I will probably only be able to hear the EAR, playback designs, and maybe the Aesthetix.
Thanks for the great recommendations, Gpgr4blu. Would love to listen to those, but don't have any local dealers unfortunately. I have been reading more about EAR, and their Acute4/DAC 4; they are also coming out with a new CDP/DAC (Acute 5). Will get to audition DAC 4 in a couple weeks. Anyone care to comment on EAR?
Thanks for the clarification guys. I would request that we please redirect the conversation toward my topic. Anyone care to add their comments on that please?
I'm particularly interested in hearing about the EAR DACs and spinners. Thanks.
I should note that I have read whatever I can find here about EAR, but would like to hear up to date comments in the context of my question and the other gear I have mentioned. Thanks again.
Thanks Zd542. I did understand that, hence my "thanks for the clarification." I just didn't want the thread to devolve. My CDP does sound better with my DAC than without it (though it was 10-11 years ago that I made that comparison). What has been your experience with reliability of EAR gear? Thanks again.
Thank you, Coli. I have not listened to those units. But it seems there must be other factors that influence sound, like circuit design, power supplies, tubes, parts quality, etc?
Thanks very much for your opinions and suggestions. I auditioned the EAR DAC 4 in my system over the weekend. Will post my impressions on a separate thread.