Looking for my Final Pair!!

Been through the high end maelstrom for over 30 years and although I have enjoyed the ride, I desperately want to find speakers that exude dynamics, tone and presence.  I want to be transported to the Village Vanguard where The John Coltrane Quartet are performing any night I desire.  I want to feel the timbre of his sax 🎷. When I close my eyes I want to be enveloped by the atmosphere of the space and awash with the impact and emotion being expressed by the musicians.  I don’t want to hear what the engineers hear after they mix a recording...I want to be in the studio when the tracks are being laid down!  So far, Tannoy Heritage Arden have come to my attention, Klipsch Cornwall IV’s, JBL S4700’s or perhaps Spatial Audio X3’s?  Help

Showing 50 responses by dave_b

Very cool RIAA...not too far!  A nice IPA or wine TBD awaits your presence 👌🏻  Sticking with the Krell K300i for now...not in budget for Tori IV right now.  The new Krell Class A sound is quite addictive.
Cornwall IV’s are on their way...60 days to play!  Digging out the hundreds of Non Audiophile approved titles now 😉
Did I mention my system needs to kick arse...like “When the Levee Breaks” at 110db kinda arse!
@rauliruegas If you were listening with me in my den over a great beer or a fine wine with some excellent music playing on my stereo, I do believe a most excellent time would be had!  Party on Raul 🥳
My favorite speakers of all time...still gathering dust in my original home, with a shot midrange driver, were the Bozak B313b’s.  Absolutely musical and dynamic!  Just a box with great drivers and crossover.  Small tin screws for speaker connections.
Getting a temporary integrated to run them in ....Yamaha A S701...tone controls and a loudness button 👶🏻. Oh, and a phono stage is included!   
Well, all I can say is that my jaded ears have not heard a re creation of a piano quite like what I’m hearing through the Klipsch Cornwall IV’s!  HOLY MOTHER OF GOD...the piano is there...visceral, tonally perfect and dynamic;)). Just so freaking real sounding and with realistic soundstaging as well.  Playing Rochberg piano music vol 2 with Evan Hersch, pianist on Gasparo Label.  Not even broken in yet...uhh, astounding!!!
@james633 Surprisingly yes, because the generate denser tones and they do it in a very realistic manner, if that makes sense? Harmonics are natural and complex with less superficial leading edge information and more density or substance to each harmonic tone!
I’ve heard just about all the best solid state and the new Krell tops them all short of D’Agostinos Momentum amps! 
Raul is officially a 100% certified USDA CHOICE ARSE HOLE 🕳 

Music is OBJECTIVE??  Really?  
End of conversation!

Happy trails 🐎 
The Bozak’s I mentioned earlier barely wet down to 45HZ and maybe hit 18KHZ?  Sounded like music.  Cornwall’s have that same ability, but with scale and presence!
BTW....for the first time in many years, I stayed up till 2am listening to disc after disc...but I’m of course being subjective 🥸
I only ever try....never trust specs!  They say very little about how something sounds to a human!
Researched instruments frequency fundamentals and upper harmonics...they fall off before 20khz.  Yeah, not missing anything but artificial additives beyond that!
In the spirit of perpetual experimentation, I am getting a pair of planar magnetic ribbon super tweeters!  I will boldly go where most speakers have never gone before...to 40khz and beyond 🥸

BAT VK80i is coming today today
Anything I buy from now on must be fully returnable...more fun that way and less stress when evaluating 🤔 
The Aperion planar magnetic super tweeters sound nice...breaking in nicely!  They have adjustable level and crossover controls and WBT connections.  Got matching cables for $70 really nice quality.
Yes, I understand now...I have done that experiment with all of the speakers I’ve owned in my current home.  I have always preferred full range on mains and sub adjusted accordingly by ear 👂. With REL I have a wonderful blending which delivers deep taught bass.
Talked to Steve at Decware 👍. Ordered a Torii Mk4 and Zbit.  20 weeks 😳
Leaning Spatial Audio X3’s...talked with Clayton for about an hour!  Great guy and very knowledgeable.  He gets what my frustrations are with high end audio.  60 days or so to try them makes it a no brainer:)  He is also going to have them custom painted for me with Audi Midnight  Black !!  Also spoke with Dan Wright (Modwright) about his experience with Spatial Audio and he had nothing but praise for their company and products.  
$12500 or less...JBL S4700’s are available to me for that upper limit.  Cornwall IV’s are obviously much less.  Tannoy’s would be &8k.
Well, both speakers come with a 60 day return policy so if I don’t care for the SA X3’s I will try the CW4’s!
I’ve decided I want to go back to my youth, when listening to music was fun and involving without worrying about audiophile insanity!  Gonna give Cornwall IV’s a try and get a nice integrated with tone controls so I can crank Pink Floyd with the lights out and rattle my walls 🤙
I can have 60 days to try the Cornwall IV’s...that’s key! I will no longer buy speakers without an in home trial or a return option. High end audio has gone down the path of dissection and analysis... which inevitably causes paralysis. Listen to a live concert, any concert, with your eyes closed. You cannot pick out the exact placement of any instrument. In fact, soundstaging is mostly non existent as well. What you can hear, is the venue, the presence and the dynamics of the instruments, along with their respective tone colors as heard in that particular space. Hi Fi is mostly a joke! We need to stop supporting the overpriced analytical instruments of disappointment. Music should be fun and enjoyable, emotional and deeply moving...it should not be analyzed. Let the music wash over you and reach into your soul. That is what our goal should be and can be again, by supporting companies that allow music to engage our senses in a realistic manner....not in an analytical or sterile way.  
@rauliruegas I’ve frequented many venues, such as the BSO(Gold Standard) and PSO, but the exact placement of instruments and to the larger extent, 3D soundstaging is an artifact of your mind.  It doesn’t exist!  If you have a visual to go along with the music, then your brain will make the connection.  Now if you are sitting extremely close to a smal ensemble, then yes...placement is discernable.  I love soundstaging myself, but it shouldn’t be  laser etched to the degree that it predominantly attracts attention away from the tone, dynamics and atmosphere.
Ironically I just had a previous set of speakers that also crossed over in the 800 or 850 range...JBL 4429’s!  I miss them... they sounded fantastic actually.  Just want that kind of sound in a nicer cabinet without stands.  Of course 15”’s...come on, gotta try that man!
We were speaking primarily to a live acoustic concert...Symphony!  But for amplified concerts there is still a strong dynamic crispness or aliveness that we all can identify instantly!  I speak to that energy and vitality in music...this is what often gets lost or intentionally tamped down in some designs.
I already chose that pair over 35 years ago...36 C’s and they still perform well!
@rauliruegas  I have no idea what your saying...my mind went blank half way through 😳  Anyway, the Cornwall’s look stunning in person...like better than unwrapping Wilson Watt/Puppy 8’s or anything else I’ve had (a lot)!  As I said, the Bozak’s I grew up with were soooo much better than anything I’ve spent silly money on....and they were purchased from a department store in 1963.  Yeah....audio has taken a wrong turn.  Good sound was had decades ago and the high end has been collectively driving the audiophile community off of the cliff!
No 😳. Sold my previous amp...getting a temporary integrated FRIDAY !!  My Decware Zen Torii MK IV is far away...come on August 😎
Soooo...decided to keep my Krell K300i!!  Hooked it up and....really nice and detailed but no odd harmonics or anything abrasive.  This is gonna be a great match when the Cornwall’s settle in:(). They seem to eat the power up almost as much as my B&W802D3’s did 😳
Everyone calm down...it’s all good!  Enjoy what we have in common rather than highlighting our d’où🤗