Looking for info on Livewire Black by Audioquest

We recently moved into a new house with a home theater.  Being an audiophile and a movie guy, I negotiated to get all of the stuff in the theater (Acoustat speakers, 4k TV, receiver, etc).  Attached to the speakers (poorly) were beefy speaker cables.  They are black with 6 wires each (3 red and 3 black) in a thick black sheathing.  They say "Livewire Black by Audioquest - Made in USA" on the insulation.  I can't find any info on them on the internet.  Closest I've found is "Audioquest Black Type 6" in an old Ebay ad, but they are only 4 wires per side.  The Acoustat speakers appear to be from the mid to late 80's, so the wire is probably a similar age.  Any info is greatly appreciated.
I suggest you simply contact Audioquest and talk to them.  Odds are they have a cable that is very close to what you have and readily available.   If you just need information, that would also be the place to find it in spades.