Looking for Info on H20 S250 and H20 Fire

I hope everyone is enjoying Thanksgivig Eve (for my American friends!). A quick story and why I am asking this: 


My FIL and I had a bit of an awkward begigining while tryig to getin get to know each other. One day he was over at apartment and noticed my vintage McIntosh MC3500 amp and he lit up like I have never seen before. We talked for hours about music and home audio. That Mac eventually gave me the nerve a couple of years later to ask for his daugther's hand in marriage.!


 My wife and I got married in 2006 and blessed him (and my parents) with their only grandkids back in 2014 and 2017. We told our family on Monday that we have our 3rd little audiophile on the way, and you can imagine everyone is ecstatic. Sadly, my FIL was diagnosed with Parkinson's about 10 years ago and his health has deteriorated very quickly this year. Has a congratulatory gift (and a way to keep his love for this hobby going), he gifted us his 2 beloved channel audio system as he is not able to use it much anymore:


His beloved  Vandersteen speakers, the wonderful sounding class A tube Lector CD player, and a preamp and amp with heavy separate power supplies I have never heard of and can't find out much info on. I found one review from 2002 on 6moons, but not much else. I was hoping perhaps some people here could shed some light and info on these two pieces:


Amp: H20 S250


Preamp: H20 Fire with "Firewater" power supply. 


I don't have any manuals and the rears of the equipment isn't a ton of help label wise.


I am begging for some insight, as I really really want to get this setup for tomorrow and have it playing when he arrives.


128x128Ag insider logo xs@2xjof

Showing 1 response by audiobasic2006

Good Morning, jof:

Nice story of friendship, kindness, and family and the effort to return some joy.  😎

Have you checked these pics?

H2O preamp connections

H2O review with some pics

From what can been seen of the internal connections in the amp, the top binding posts are for the loudspeakers and I think the bottom may be for b-iamping/bi-wiring. The toggle switches at the back of the amp are for changing from non-balanced (RCAs) to balanced (XLR).

Hope this helps somewhat.

