Looking for good quality vintage speakers

Anyone know anything about DCM KX-10s...I keep looking on craigslist for some old vintage speakers...I just don't know what to get...there's so many on there.

I am not sure what you are looking for or what price range you are in. But there are companies that make new "vintage" speakers. Tannoy and Klipsch are two that I like. Old Klipsch are forward and very dynamic and Tannoy are smooth, laid back (still detailed). The Tannoys have newer technology in them like "Dual Concentric" drivers to help with phase and time alinement.

Here is a link to Tannoy's site.

I'm with the others....I'm not sure why you want what you want. If you're thinking you'll get more bang for your buck, that's probably not true since new efficiencies in manufacture mean that many moderately priced speakers of today can outperform top-range models of yesteryear.

If, on the other hand, you're looking for a "vintage sound" --well, I guess there are a lot of options ranging from wall-of-sound Bose 901 to British classics from Spendor and KEF and the like all the way to Klipsch Cornwalls and Hereseys and so on.

If memory serves, the DCM KX-10 was a "party speaker" -- a high efficiency bookshelf that pumped out lots of volume, sort of like Cerwin Vega stuff. I'd skip it if you're looking for audiophile grade reproduction.

If high efficiency is what you want, a couple hundred bucks will easily buy some used Klipsch monitors of very recent vintage. If efficiency is not such an issue, two hundred will also get you some very desirable stuff like B&W DM302, PSB Alpha B and countless other similar speakers from Epos, Energy, Mission, Wharfedale, etc.
Thanks for the responses guys...I'm just getting into this whole thing and was given an old Denon PMA-770...that's what I'm trying to find speakers for...a guy from a local record shop told me he had some old Snells that would pair well with it...I guess I'm just trying to see what other people think before I throw down a few hundred dollars...I'm a poor college kid...as for music...I mostly listen to Indie and Classic Rock and a little bit of Hip Hop...this is my first system I'm putting together and I really appreciate the help!

No no no. See if you can find a pair of Harbeth's. You could keep those for quite a while.....
Which Snells? What's your budget?

Ed and I are in sync on this one. Although there are few true classics out there, most seriously designed and built speakers today are more linear, have better control of cabinet resonances, have much better inner detail and low-level resolution, more true bass extension, better treble extension with far better dispersion (this one is SO easy to verify--a lot of highly regarded speakers from the '70s and even '80s rolled off at about 15KHz; many today extend out to 30KHz), better sensitivity, better power handling, better dynamics, and in smaller, more affordable packages.

For example, the PSB Image 25 compact stand speaker at $479/pair has a midrange-to-treble smoothness and linearity that would have been considered unachievable in anything but a cost-no-object speaker 15-30 years ago. Mini-monitor size, usable bass extension down to 45 Hz at least, anechoic sensitivity at 89dB or 91dB in-room. That means it only takes 1/4 the amp power to hit the same loudness as those classics from the '70s such as the AR 3a and the Dahlquist DQ-10.

If you have more money and want more bass extension, just move up the PSB Image line. They make T-45, T-55, and T-65 floorstanders. A twice the B-25's price, the PSB T-55 Image Tower is 93 dB efficient (like doubling your amp power again), has true deep bass that extends down into the low 30's. It can also handle about 70% more power than the B-25. This provides a tremendous dynamic range, both louder and softer, than the B-25.

In the vintage days, American speakers pretty much ruled. There are still some very excellent American speakers, but it's really hard to beat the price/performance value of speakers from Canada, such as Paradigm, Mirage, Energy, PSB, and Totem.