Looking for compilation suggestions

As of late I find myself listening to compilation albums and soundtracks more and more. Right now I'm listening to "These Times We're Living In, A Red House Anthology" which is very good. Other favorites are kd lang's "Songs from the 49th Parallel," the soundtrack from "Dead Man Walking" and the newly released "Instant Karma - The campaign To Save Darfur." Albums such as these provide me an opportunity to hear new artists or well known artists performing music somewhat out of their element.
Any recommendations appreciated and I'll probably pick up a few of them.

Showing 2 responses by swampwalker

49th Parallel is a good one, for sure. Perhaps try Nanci Giffith's "compilation" of covers and some duets "Other Voices Other Rooms" or the Chieftan's "Tears of Stone" which is a "compilation" of the Chieftan's backing a diverse group of female vocalists (one track each). The soundtrack to "Leap of Faith" is a favorite, as is "Oh Brother Where Art Thou" despite a few very wierd songs.