Looking for colored sound. . . I think.

I recently purchased an NAD 370. The amp is awesome. It has great full sound with terrific detail and clarity. There's only one problem. I'm really sensitive to the highs. The detail and clarity is just too much for me. Everyone thinks I'm crazy, I know. I just need something smoother. I guess I'm looking for an amp/receiver that colors the sound a bit.

Is there anything out there you might recommend? This for 2 channel music only.


Showing 1 response by lousyreeds1

I'm forced to disagree with Sean here. I've never found NAD to be particularly smooth. It's always been a bit hot and harsh to my ear. That's not to say it's unmusical though. It is. My guess is that this combo is just a little too bright.

Just as an experiment, you might try tilting the speaker back (or forward depending on where the tweeter is). That might take some edge off the sound.