Looking for Chicago and All That Jazz....

Just came out of the theater after seeing the movie version of the broadway show 'CHICAGO' produced by Bob Fosse. What great jazz - not to mention the dancing. Couldn't stay in the seat. If you've seen the show or the movie,
then you know what i'm talking about - would love to know where to find this type jazz...aside from buying the sound track which i have, any suggestions for similar cd's or artists....Thanks, Peter
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Showing 1 response by tok20000

If you like musicals like Chicago, look for musicals by Stephen Sondheim. They are not jazzy per se, but their lyrics are wonderful. Their stories are hilarious. And they are deffinitely NOT for children... heh heh.

Anyway, I would suggest the Stephen Sondheim musical, 'Assassins'. This is a musical (beleive it or not) about all of the US's presidental assassins and assassins. It is dark comedy in the theater at it's height.

Also, I would suggest seeing the movie, 'All That Jazz'. This is my favorite movie about the theater that is a semi-biographical account of Fosse's life. It is interesting because it was made when Fosse was still alive and he was very involved with the picture. The ending is a bit of a shocker to... heh heh.

My wife, who is a musical expert, says the muscial, 'Side Man' is very similiar musically to Chicago.