Looking for bookshelf upgrade from B&W DM302s

Currently hooked to a Rega Brio-R w/ Dac Magic. I play mostly lossless files from a NAS, but occasionally vinyl. Unfortunately, I have pretty eclectic listening: led zeppelin to liszt, so to speak. I love the DM 302s, but it just seems like something is missing. Some "oomph." (...and I dont want a sub.)

I have been eyeing: B&W 685, Dali Ikon I MkII, Epos Epic 2, Rega RS1, and Vienna Accoustics Haydn Grand.

I would like to spend less than $1k.

Would anyone 1) steer me away from any of these, or 2) have any other suggestions?

As always I will try before I buy if I can...ideally at home, but we'll see how good the dealers are (especially unlikely for under $1k speakers?). Also, if I audition them elsewhere, they will likely be on a different system and/or not broken in.

Thus my post looking for experience. Thanks in advance for any suggestions.

Showing 3 responses by jedinite24

My Dad has had both the B&W DM302 and the DM303 speakers. I liked the DM303 speakers a lot better than the DM302. I say for under $1k maybe try to find used B&W CM5 speakers. Another bookshelf that I thought sounded better than the DM302 was the KEF Q300. They can be found for under $400 now.
Hi Dcowen1234

Here is another set of speakers that I really enjoyed more than the DM302 but for certain music a subwoofer would be needed. They are easy to drive and sounded sweet to me when I heard them.

TANNOY Mercury m1 - Cherry (Made in UK)


I have no affiliation with this seller btw.
Hi Dcowen1234

I think you can add a subwoofer to your set-up. You would just need another set of speaker cables. Some of the subwoofers I have/had (Velodyne/Polk) had speaker terminal inputs and outputs.

You connect the speaker wire from the outputs from the Rega Brio-R to the subwoofer's speaker inputs. You then connect speaker wire from the subwoofer's speaker outputs to your DM302 speaker inputs. I believe this way you are using the subwoofer's crossover to get the appropriate signals to the speakers and subs.

I haven't tried this in awhile though since my gear now has subwoofer outputs.