Looking for Best Monitors

Too lazy to wade through all of the best speakers thread to find out about any monitors that are listed. I am setting up a home office system and currently only have the B&K 307 and a CD player acting just as a transport to the B&K. Looking for a very musical set of 5/7 speakers to connect to it. I know it will depend on price but if you know what the ballpark price for them will be that would also be helpful to list. Hopefully I still will be able to get some work done after buying one of the suggestions. Thanks!
Ah, I wasn't sure. I really thought he was refering to the Audiogon rating scale, and I couldn't understand why? Monitors mean different things to many people. To some, it's a loudspeaker to use as a reference to make recordings, to others an abreviation of "mini-monitor" another name for a small speaker. They can have the opposite meaning. Thanks for clearing that up.