looking for best isolation platform for CD player

Looking for best isolation platform for High End CDP , Linn / Audio Aero Capital/ Ensemble new cdp out next few weeks / not sure yet what I'm getting. Using XA7ES right now.

I have a stand now ( Atlantis ) and looking at audio points /silent feet, not quite sure if these are the right ideal or is there a perfect platform specialy for CDP .

Note: just bought Sistrum SP1 for my amp should be here next week.

Showing 22 responses by theaudiotweak

Your tuning with timber and the result is a change in timbre accuracy. All are storage devices with various time delays and resulting colorations. Recipe for a soup sandwich with the resulting stains being tainted with each added ingredient..You have never truly experienced what is already yours..Tom
Isolation is not possible so the platform you are in search of does not exist. Sistrum makes no claims of being an isolation platform. Sistrum effectively collects and then presents a high speed path for resonant energy to exit to ground. Electro-mechanical as well as airborne energy will modulate all hi-fi components. These resonances will be re-amplified and regurgitated over and over again..Dampening only compounds this problem. Dampening is like a storage capacitor in that stored energy will have a memory and will linger and blurr and darken the sound. Much of this stored energy will still be present in the chassis because it has no exit point. Sistrum on the other hand will make your component more efficient because the chassis and all thats within it will not have work thru and amplify extraneous noise in the signal path. The result is a louder more dynamically textured and revealing piece of equipment..Tom
Levitation platforms are not immune to airborne resonances or to self induced chassis resonances. All noise will be stuck within the chassis. No common ground plane, no way out...Tom
You will never find.. IT.. until you realize there is.. NO.. such thing as isolation.. Tom
Sean describe to Us your rack? Are you still using the high mass, high storage Michael Green rack? Or perhaps some new cosmic State of the Rack maybe consisting of exotic timber, lead shot and pneumatic hot air bags. Does It couple? Does It Isolate? Or is It a confused implementation of Both? Please tell Us? Inquiring minds want to know..Tom
Yea, I'm punctual and consistently persistent. Here's a for instance... We forgot to ask Proy if he has received his Sistrum Sp1 yet and how he likes it..Maybe his description will incite another RIOT!! As that man Warren always signs , Peace Tom..
Nrchy can the rack you are speaking of, isolate equipment from airborne as well as self induced electro-mechanical noise and vibration? If the answer is yes then how does this rack disapate said captured energy? If it is sitting on a absorbent surface can this resting surface capture and disapate said vibrations as quick as it is refilled? If this rack captures quickly and cannot disapate as fast then you have a new storage medium!!! Gee think of the sonic benefits of this? I'm not trying to be a BUTT-Head about this whole isolation thing. In my mind I came to the determination that isolation is impossible and dampening is another storage medium that in this instance is a sonic blurr. Racks that claim to be isolation devices are like a bath tub filling with water. The taps are on full the drain is all the way open but the tub fills faster than it can drain. And what are the sonic results of all of this? If my comments on isolation are inflamatory then I feel thats a good thing. Controversy and discussion may stir further insight and open new avenues for new and more effective products..Tom... Foolery
Sean my brain fell out, I feel, in the correct time and phase alignment. My ears have followed my views. The results are 3d. Tom
Again and again to couple or to isolate/dampen? For me the answer has been cleared up by the use of coupling for several years now. Tom
Again there is no such thing as isolation. Dampening is another storage medium with uncontrolled time release of stored energy back into the devices on it, under it, and within it. Dampening is not selective upon the frequency nor the amplitude at which it covers... What about the natural dynamics with in the bandwidth that is to be damped? I have been around many moons. Coupling floats my boat!!! The direct path is the best path and shortest way to get there. Removing all the rubber material on all my chassis's is to me further audible proof that coupling is the best way to get there..Has anyone on this thread other than Warren tried direct coupling and resonant energy transfer? I for one have tried many so called dampening/isolation racks and even wall treatments, all were relegated to the used file or the giveaway file. Direct coupling all my mechanical devices has increased the reality of my listening experience..
Levitation cannot isolate a component from airborne sonic attacks. Neither the self generated internal energy nor the airborne disturbances are provided a point of relief. All of this trapped energy will be reamplified. Tom
Geometry matters...... a lot. Notice the dampening pads. They will... interfere... with the collection.... and transfer of resonant energy...Tom
I am really pissed at you Nrchy!! Nrchy you Know nothing about me, my backround or my listening experience. Should I put together a list of references? Would you like to compare our respective audio backrounds? Sir I do know what I speak about and my credibility goes back 35 years. You really do not know me! or my level of understanding! Tom
Larry the guy who started the thread is Who?..the guy with a 6 page white paper is Joe and he has a totally different product.. not Sistrum..And Larry you have a great ear but I would not have you to my house and you know the multitude of reasons why! Shall we speak of people across the Ohio river here? If you were invited to my home and you were to listen to Sistrum products then you too would call Robert and buy one... What is your association with Albert the speaker guy? Some times controversial and negative press stirs up sales..A sales master like yourself certainly knows that angle..The one and only reality of my being on this thread is to say again.. there is know such thing as isolation and dampening is a storage device. And I think the current marketed devices that propose such are a waste of time and money. Maybe only one man's opinion, but it is, all of me.. Tom
I told Joe he could bring his rack on down so we could do a shootout..Isolation/dampening vs Direct Coupling/Resonance Transfer.. I have a private guest suite. You are welcome...Tom
Larry go to Audiopoints.com All their products are a continuim..I feel all of them, that I use are based on the same for me common logic..resonant energy transfer. Yes the platforms and racks work across the board with every kind of device cd dvd pre--power --speakers and even pig screen tv; Gee they to are all a continuim of resonance. Get that shit out of Dodge..When it leaves and has a place to go the end result is much better sound and video..So here I go again touting the shit I use and I feel is the best and the only sensible way to get There..Leaving myself open again but I am not going to change unless Joe or some other good natured fellow can show me different... Until then I will enjoy the direct coupled effect..Yea Baby.....Tom
As a salesman at a retail store sometime back I use to be criticized by upper management for not using in my home system, products that were sold at our retail stores..If in my mind I thought a product sounded better at a price point that I could afford then that was the piece I would buy, not the one I was pushed to buy.

My financial obligation is to myself and to my family not to Sistrum or any other manufacturer. I have purchased alot of Starsound products all for me and all for use in my system..These products are at odds with the current accepted theories of isolation. Thats great! So I'am a now a free radical, just as I was 32 years ago. Maybe at odds with the norm but not with my beliefs. Tom
Error correction is one reason car and portable cd players work so well in poor environment.. I have implemented many ways that make for less error correction and therefore better sound..Tom
Geoff I have an older Denon player in my collection that also had a data buffer. Adjusting the laser focus offset and focus for the eye pattern, all way before the error correction, improved the sound with each little turn. I have a propretary device I use that will reduce laser scatter and decrease error correction as well as four other benefits..Tom
After 32 years of selling audio and video products I left my long standing job with one of the Mid-West's premier mid to hi-end dealers. My last day there was Friday. My experience dates back to the late stages of the tube classic era of Mcintosh, Marantz and Citation. I was there with the introduction of the new classics from Audio Research, Mark Levinson, Krell, Linn Sondek, Dalquist. I sold the first consumer VHS players from JVC. The father of current surround sound was CD-4 and SQ from Pioneer and Marantz. Had the pleasure of meeting with Peter Snell, Jon Dalquist and Matthew Polk in the comforts of my own home. These were the years Hi-fi was the most exciting and fun..Was it a just a younger man's outlook that made it so exciting. Was it part of the aging process that made the experience become more of a pain than a pleasure.. Some but not all..How about Mega stores The Inter-Net open Sundays till 5pm..You sold it me but I bought it somewhere else for 10 dollars less, but can you show me how to hook it up, the place I purchased it from didn't have a clue. Time for me to take care of myself for a change....So at this late date I have struck out on my own with an equal partner..We will be designing building and installing complete home entertainment packages.. My first love will remain two-channel. When I can make two-channel sound as if it has no boundaries or limits then I know I am there. I will continue my relationships with manufacturers whom I know and who know me. Some of these vendors will be unable to set me up as a dealer at this time..There are numerous reasons why. Let me state, as always I have never, and will never try to sell on Audiogon any equipment that I may represent as a dealer.. My home system is my Frankenstein creation, it is a UFO of some repute..The devices I use, many of my own creation, and others, that I may get on my soapbox to preach about are whats keeping my interest in hi-fi alive. The fact that I can show an audio novice something so simple as the marked improvement provided by an Audiopoint makes me smile loudly. Room angles and boundary geometry are so important, what a difference all these passive mechanical devices do make..So fellow Goners shall I be a real Goner now that I have announced that I hope to some day, be a dealer of great repute? Tom
Thank you Sean. Error correction seems to be some sort of low level pollution the less the player has to correct for the more clarity and ease of sound.Tom