looking for best isolation platform for CD player

Looking for best isolation platform for High End CDP , Linn / Audio Aero Capital/ Ensemble new cdp out next few weeks / not sure yet what I'm getting. Using XA7ES right now.

I have a stand now ( Atlantis ) and looking at audio points /silent feet, not quite sure if these are the right ideal or is there a perfect platform specialy for CDP .

Note: just bought Sistrum SP1 for my amp should be here next week.

Showing 7 responses by lrsky

Slightly off the subject, but just as important in many ways for sonic purity in audio systems.
Has anybody out there tried the Quantum QRT product, or products?
I just spoke to them, and it sounds to me as if they are working on the level of a Pentium 8 while others are working on the level of 286's.(Simplistic computer analogy)
Literally, if what they claim is true, in a different league, and another evolution. I have asked a couple of designers who claim this might be the next evolution in line purification. I am familiar with the Hydra, and the Richard Gray Power company, plus Furman, but this is compelling.
Building a new house, and this would change some plans regarding line treatment.
Any feedback would be welcome.
I don't want to upset ANYONE, but I can tell all of you out there who are reasonably handy with tools how to build an excellent device for isolation. Its theory runs contrary to Tom's sincere advice, but, in my experience it works well. It works at the root level, on the principal that the sum of the mass of the device, is greater than the amount of energy that one can transfer into it. The energy, within, say a preamp, converts from Kinetic to Potential energy. There is no device that I am aware of which can transfer 100% as someone pointed out, but this will improve the sound of preamps, cd players, and amps on several levels. The lead within it acts to shield RFI, which helps too. It contains lead shot, (not good healthwise) and a sorbothane like material, which when melted gives off noxious fumes, so making it is a bit of an issue, but overall simple. Also, hardwood, a couple of pieces of plywood, and finally teflon feet If you would like to know how to: just email me I am glad to share. It does really work. It is also about 80 to 100#'s, and very unweildy. This is meant to be helpful, and not in any way disparaging of anyone else's thoughts or ideas.
Thanks and good listening.
Larry R. Staples
Let's see... the guy who started the thread owns the Sistrum, the guy who sells them, tells everyone how dumb they are, then the guy who makes them gives a six page explanation of the workings, then the price, and then says, out of respect for the thread, "I won't sell."
This is, of course a smaller audience than the Super Bowl, but a more select, and captive one, and I am certain the pricefor this advertising is sure better.
I mentioned in an earlier thread that I would give, repeat give, which I thought the intent of these threads were, that is to exchange information, to anyone who wanted to try and build one, the recipe for how to build a mass based platform. Let's at least not insult everyone with such unabashed selling. Does anyone here doubt that this was not completely set up??
I really thought that the Audiogon Staff was supposed to edit out any obvious selling attempts on these sites. I am disappointed. Even if it works better than anything else, this duplicity makes me suspicious. Now Tom...tell us you don't sell these. Tell us that publicly.
I received a very cordial email from Joe, who I mistook for someone else. I gave him my thoughts on The Platform, a homemade thing, I personally designed, for hobbyiests. He is a brilliant guy, and was pleasant,in spite of my apparent lack of attention paid to who the thread was from and about.
His graciousness put me to shame, a lesson well learned by such a know it all like myself.
I only know that this, my home brew thing works when used properly. Do other things work better. Maybe, probably, none of us who haven't tried them all could possibly know. I am not a physisist, but the idea behind it is basically solid, no pun intended. But hey, who thought mold on bread would cure syphillis?
Now I will spend the rest of the afternoon removing my foot from my mouth. With my bad back, that really hurts!!!HA!
I would say this, anything that Tom is this excited about, must be good. He is a golden ear from way back. Not the most subtle guy, heh heh, but fabulous ears, and a great listener.
There I said it, and its true.
Hey nrchy, you and Tom kiss and make up, no matter who started it,. Life's too short. This is AUDIO, our favorite thing, and supposed to be fun. We are lucky to have audio, instead of food, to worry about.
As I mentioned in an earlier post, if Tom likes it its a great product. That said, Joe, who was, after my silliness as to who posted what, contacted me graciously. He listened to my description of energy transference and said it had merit. I am not saying its the best, but I do know it can work under properly used conditions. With 70# of suspended mass, and energy flow into this mass, assuming the transfer takes place with proper and (appropriate) mechanical impedences it can help. I am sure, like amps and preamps there are many good answers. I am pleased that this thread is so positive now, with all of us agreeing that many things work to varying degrees. I would like to hear Joe's and Tom's, and vice versa. Mine is, as I said a homemade, though difficult project,cheaper, but agreeing with Joe in his mention of the phrase stratopheric pricing. That's the shame of this.
Hey Tom, can you give us some idea of how much, and where to go to see pictures of the products you're talking about? Joe, same here, how do we see more?
My (and I think our collective) goal is better sound however we do it.
Tom, does your product work on all pieces, cd, turntable, preamps, etc, or does it have a particular strength, where its better? Joe, same question.
Mine while probably not as sophistocated,(or maybe expensive either)usually works on everything to a degree, with lead acting as RFI inhibitor, as a bonus, and energy transfer. It would be great to get several together to check this all out. The Grail is pretty elusive, at least to me! You guys have me interested. I for one do not find the old tip toes or similar items to help that much on anything but turntables. Sorry just IMHO! So don't get mad.
Good Listening,