Looking for an Integrated Amp or Receiver to power a passive subwoofer. Recommendations ?.


I need a volume control because the passive subwoofer is louder than my mains and does not integrate well. I am not looking to replace either the speakers or the subwoofer.

I do not know much about class D amplification but it looks like that might be the way to go ? My subwoofer has 2 10 inch drivers each having binding posts in a sealed cabinet.

Having an ability to equalize the subwoofer might be a bonus too with tone controls, equalizer or at least bass and loudness.

look at this !!!

Any ideas ?


Showing 1 response by fuzztone

That’ll do it.

Good luck.

I had a passive VMPS sub that I could never get to sound half as good as a cheap active sub. I gave it to TMR for a prepaid label.