Looking for an Amp Replacement

I am in need of advice and direction on replacing my ML 23.5 amp. While replacing the power caps a cap on the output board was damaged and is no longer available. The most viable right now option is to start looking for a replacement amp and to complete repair down the road or scrap it... (was purchased used maybe 10 years ago)

It is for a second system that is mainly used for background and light listening to streamed/internet radio and the occasional CD and playback from NAS storage using JRiver.

Currently have pulled my Perreaux 3150 out of retirement and have been using that with acceptable results. Looking at a used amp for better bang for the buck return in the 150-200wpc and a budget of 2-3k+/-

Rest of system comprises of

ARC ls28, PSA DSD, Magnum Dynalab 801, Shahinian Acoustics Obelisk, Sony XA5400es CD  

I liked the sound I was able to get from this set up with the ML, but have a bad experience with a 333 in main system a while back and as such I do not have a lot of faith in their newer gear.

While not expecting someone to have identical components, would like to hear from tube/ss combos people as I am using this in three systems and really like the overall sound.


Showing 3 responses by stevea1298

It is the Wima MKS4

0,47 160-16kHz, A


It is located on the board with the output terminals for the speakers.

My EE guy said I could replace with equivilent (not sure if I buy that completely) but thought it would be better to do same on both channels. Have hunted for an exact match but no luck.

First, I want to thank everyone responding as this is all good advice and had given me additional thoughts to consider.

As my speakers are somewhat peculiar when it comes to mating a power amp to the (I have three of the speakers in lineup) the suggestions made to audition a replacement amp with the speakers is a sound one. Fortunately, the manufacturer's shop is 10 minutes from my work location, so even stopping by to see Vasken is not a problem. The used to recommend Bedini's with their equipment, but alas, they are no longer around except the second hand marker. I currently run a 100/100 in my work location system with a pair of Arcs.

Gs5556 - Sent the link over to my EE guy to see if it will work. As they use a number of them in the unit I will probably get a handful of them to have on hand for any future mishaps.

Audiophile1 - Actually I saw one here as well as some of their other ss models. While I have never heard one, a class D was already in my thought process. Will run it by Vasken as I would hope they have run their speakers through a lot of amps.

Pwerahera - Unfortunately, I already have it half disassembled as I was going to replace the power caps as I bought a kit containing all 8 of the caps as well as another 8 that would require them to be soldered in. I was planning on just changing the easy ones when this happened.

Mofojo - If a really good replacement part was located, I was going to repair it (as it mated pretty nicely in the system) but something that was probably not going to be addressed immediately.

Uncledemp - Agreed

Riie - As I have dealers nearby, it is a thought, have not heard their gear in a long time

Shkong78 - I enjoy the sound I get from each system by mixing a tube pre with ss power amp (all three have this mix, ARC’s into various manufacturers amps, Bedini, Pass & was the ML, now Perreaux)

Soix - Will take a look

Re-lar-kvothe - If the ML is unfixable I might be willing to go for that as it is in the upper range. As I have 260.8’s in my main system I do like the sound and its presentation. (there I have their Hawks)

Elliottbnewcombjr- I will, but auditioning with my speakers could be an issue. NYC is 40 miles so running it into Havery’s is no big deal. But great story 😊

Perkri - I bought the Perreaux new back when I was just getting back into hi-fi as the shop was on my way home from work. It was originally mated with a Classes DR-7 pre also new (could not swing the price of the DR-9 at the time). Was a staple for a long time, until I bough Klipsch Heresy II’s, as they were a very fatiguing combo. Managed to get the ML used at the time (not in the best of exterior condition) as it was on the bottom shelf of the rack cosmetics were not a big issue as it sounded completely different. Reinserting the Perreaux after all this time has brought a new appreciation for the amp (except the power switch)

Bondmanp - Will do some research

  Again, thank you all for some great advice and insights
