Looking for an advice about speaker cables

Hello everyone,

I'm very new to better audio and I'm trying to put together a decent setup to listen to my (for now) small vinyl collection. My dad "donated" few components and currently I have NAD C340 Amp, Rega P1 turntable and Monitor Audio Studio 2 bookshelf speakers. Only thing I'm missing are speaker cables. Can someone suggest a decent pair of speaker cable that will not be too expensive. I also need help figuring out what kind of connectors I need to get. I went to check out Kimber Kables web site and looks like SBAN type would work with my amp. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you in advance.

Chicago, IL
"BTW, You mentioned you use a few CDP's. Could you recommend a CDP that has fewest computer audio features. I only am interested in the best playbook of redbook CDs, some HDCD's,SACD and quality remastered CD's. I have been told that Ayre CX-7emp is the best player on the market for straight playback, but there has been dry spell on used ones on AG......... Cheers, Jim"

If you can't find a CX-7, consider a Wadia 301 or 302. They're definitely in the same league as the Ayre. I have a 302, so I know both players pretty well. If you like the Ayre, then you should like the Wadia.
ZD542. Thanks for the recommendations. There is a 301 and 302 CD players for sale on AG. Seem expensive for 10-12 year old players that are not even listed in the "Older Products" archive.
I used to use the Belden from Blue Jeans...it's *ok,* decent even, but it's really no big deal. The sound is kind of flat and boring. I replaced it with another cable (Bryston) and that really woke up the system. More expensive, but worth it, imo. To be fair, I currently use a Bryston amp, so it probably boils down to better synergy.

Another low-cost cable to try is Mogami. I've heard good things about them as well.
For the diy-er, the Nanotech Systems 777 with Furutech rhodium spades are very good. The wire is very easy to work with. Sound wise, I am totally satisfied.