Looking for amp reccomendation

I currently have an NAD Home Theater 7 channel amp with Persona B Speakers as main. I would like to purchase a used Class A or A/B solid state amp for around 3K, used give or take a few dollars for two channel listening.

Do you think I would really notice the difference in sound when listening to two channel stereo with a class A amp versus two channel set up on my Home Theater?

Suggestions for amps? Thanks in advance.  Sorry about spelling recommendation.  Couldn't edit.

Showing 2 responses by stttt

Thanks all for your responses.  Right now I use the NAD T777 ver 3. I don't think it uses Ncore in this version.  I was interested in brands, so brand suggestions were good.  Many on this site tout the great sound of a class A amp and I wanted to try one, but I didn't want to spend the money if the sound did not have a noticeable change.

I have listened to the Para Sound, and you are correct that the sound was similar to what I have now.  There aren't many dealers here, so I can't listen either.  Tough to spend a lot of money without hearing the equipment first.  I guess my final thought is I had heard great things about class A amps and wanted to try one.

I appreciate the suggestions on brand names.  I really wanted some names of amps you have tried and were satisfied with.  My thoughts were Pass, Mark Levinson and Luxman.  Thanks guys!