Looking for advise and recommendations on a nice record cleaner.


I have a McIntosh MT10 and a good size collection of records. 

I noticed some of my records not sounding like they use to. 

I was told that my records were dirty and to look into a good record cleaner. 

I am now here for recommendations and where to look to solve my issue. 


Showing 1 response by oldaudiophile

@uavnola I haven't read through all of the threads or responses here.  So, if this has already been covered, my apologies.

Before jumping to the conclusion that the etiology of your dilemma here is dirty records, a few questions for you:

Have you examined your cartridge and stylus?  Do you properly and regularly clean your stylus?  How many service-hours are on your stylus/cartridge?

Regardless, a good record cleaner and/or record cleaning regimen is a good idea for anyone who loves records.  That being said, here's a little heavy reading for you that is well worth your time:

Precision Aqueous Cleaning of Vinyl Records-3rd Edition - The Vinyl Press

Depending upon how much money, time and effort you want to invest in this, the Degritter Mark II would be a good choice if you want to go ultrasonic and convenience.  For a considerably less expensive ultrasonic approach, you might want to check this out:

CleanerVinyl Ultrasonic Record Cleaning

Good Luck!