Looking for advice re: amps for Dynaudio Contour 20i

Hello all. This might be a huge mistake (I don't want to start an internet war), but I find reviews to be less than perfect. Can anyone who actually has Dynaudio Contour 20s or 20is offer any advice on a good amp to pair with them? My budget is $5-$6k. My primary concern is imaging, I am current using a Marantz Model 30 and SACD 30n. 


Showing 1 response by dynguy

I own Dynaudio Heritage but I have a Contour Ci center. All three being driven by Simaudio M400 mono amps. Outstanding.

This is the two channel version of the 400ms I own. It would be an excellent match. 330A. Class A first five watts..

Check Simaudio website.