Looking for Advice of Speaker Cables

I’m looking for thoughts and advice regarding speaker cables. My current system consists of a Prima Luna Dialogue HP Premium integrated amp driving Dynaudio Contour S 3.4 LE speakers augmented by twin REL T/9i subs. I mainly listen to vinyl via a Dr. Feikert Volare turntable with a Manley Chinook phono stage. I also stream through a LUMIN T2.

Prior to owning the PL amp I had a Plinius Hiato. When I purchased that amp the Plinius distributor recommended Analysis Plus speaker cable so I purchased the Oval 9. I continued to use that speaker cable when I switched to the PL. The Oval 9 seems fine to me but I don’t know what I don’t know. I would like a longer set of cables to do some experimenting with speaker and sub placement. My thought was to move the Oval 9 to a secondary system I have and purchase a new pair of longer cables.

Sorry for the long preamble but here are my questions.

1. Should I try a different brand or just stick with Analysis Plus?

2. When thinking about cables should one think about matching with the amp or the speakers or both?

3. Do cables have a sonic signature? Does the type of music I listen to factor in to the equation?

As stated above, I really don’t know what I don’t know and have never really compared cables before. I would greatly appreciate any thoughts or advice the many experienced audiophiles on this board may have. I don’t want to break the bank but don’t have a clue what I might need to spend to make a notable difference.

Thanks in advance.


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Showing 1 response by puppyt

Thanks for all of the advice.  I have pretty much decided to stick with the Oval 9’s and make this a less complicated process since I have been happy with them up to this point.  I am intrigued by the Solo Crystals, however, but the cost is not appealing.  Interesting, I called Analysis Plus and explained what I was trying to do.  I asked what the next step up from Oval 9 was and he said the Solo Crystal and spoke highly of that cable. When I inquired about the various Silver series cables he quickly steered me away from them saying I probably wouldn’t like the sound as they are very bright.  His bottom line was if I’m happy with the Oval 9’s just stick with that model.  Pretty refreshing that a guy from the company was very honest about his product and didn’t try to upsell me.  I would still love to hear the Solo Crystals and compare simply because like many audio enthusiasts there is always an itch to try something new.