Looking for additional cable ideas...

I am currently experimenting with a variety of speaker cables. My system consists of Cary 306, Kimber Hero, Cary SLP 2002 pre, Kimber Hero, Cary Rocket 88 push-pull triode mode driving Spendor SP 1/2. I own Cardas cross and Kimber 8TC, and have on loan Purist Elementa (soft and uninvolving), Discovery, Goertz MI 2 Python, and Nordost Solar Wind. The cable that comes closest to what I am looking for is the Goertz. It has glorious mids, it is open and natural, with plenty of detail. It is by no means bright, but does have some noticeable sibilance. By comparison, the Nordost has a far superior high end performance, with clarity, detail, focus and no sense of grain or harshness. Right now I have the Nordost on top and the Goertz on the bottom and am enjoying the best of both worlds. Naturally however, I would prefer to find one brand of bi-wire that can give me what I am looking for. I am looking for ideas. If I had to choose one or the other from what I have now, I would take the Goertz, as it gives me a better overall presentation. The leanness of the Nordost in the mid-bass/lower midrange robs piano and sax of their natural timbre.

Showing 1 response by philjolet

I agree with your accessment of the Nordost as well (I have Blue Heaven) and I have been considering the Goertz MI2 for myself.

Have you tried the LAT International cables? My friend and I have compared the LAT and Nordost cables on his system and mine and had the same results with both systems. The Nordost was a little more extended and had a little more bass (a little bump in the mid bass) but was thinner in the mids. The LAT was a little smoother and warmer and not quite as detailed or robust. We really are splitting hairs here but I think the LAT would be a better fit for most stereos.

I am considering the Goertz cables, can anyone tell me how they compare with the LAT? I just have not heard much about them and wonder if the Goertz are better still.