Looking for a speaker under $1000. used.

Hi Audiogoners, I'm looking for a musical, dynamic, involving speaker that images and soundstages like crazy, is easy to drive with a 40 watt int. tube amp. Room is 18' X 22 with a high ceiling. Listen to mainly male and female vocals, singer/songwriter pop rock at lower volumes. I've had monitors in the past,looking for floorstanders now. I'm in a remote area that has no hi-end dealers to compare. Any ideas?
Thanks, Jerry
Vandersteen 1c if you don't expect bottom-end extention. Make your next upgrade race to add sub if you do.
If your looking for imaging and soundstaging capabilites...I would stick with a standmount...and I agree...the Europas are almost unbeatable at their price and well beyond...I also have a room exactly the size of yours...and they easily fill it up...
I have a stand by pair of Thiel 1.2's that I keep just for when I sell my mains and buy another pair. I just recently sold my mains and have been listening again to the 1.2's while in between my new purchase to arrive.
Just tonight as I am sitting and loving what I am hearing, I say to my self. Why did I even buy another pair when these sound so well?. The Thiels image like mad. Nice tight bass. I don't even know how long I will keep the new pair in place.
The 1.2's might be back in action at any time.
The best part about all of this is I paid $400 for the Thiel's. These IMHO beat out the pair that I just sold that cost 8-10 times more!