Looking for a speaker cable with a relaxed sound.

Looking for a cable to pair with my Focal Maestro speakers. I want to offset the forwardness a bit with the right cable. I want it to relax the forwardness but also don’t want to loose transparency and detail. Thanks Mike 

Showing 2 responses by auxinput

Wireworld Eclipse 8 would fit that bill.

I would second this suggestion.  I have heard the Wire World "Eclipse" level XLR interconnects.  They have very excellent resolution, but they are just very slightly laid back (definitely not forward or bright).  I think the same would go for the "Eclipse" level speaker cable, which is pure copper.

I would NOT go to the "Silver Eclipse" level or above, which contains silver / silver clad conductors.

Purist Audio Design is another good recommendation for this.

It's unfortunate that everybody comes out of the woodwork with drastically different opinions across the board on threads like this.  It just leaves the OP even more confused.