Looking for a power conditioner/regenerator/filter

OK I'm in the process of looking at a way to clean up my AC power. Like everything else there are tons of options. From my reading I have narrowed it down to Hydra, Bybee, and PS Audio. The PS Audio sounds nice in that it will regenerate "clean" power. I have heard people rave about the Hydra and Bybee V2 and I see they have the Stealth now.

Anyone have any experience they can share? My amps are 300B tube monoblocks. My front end is DAC and Music Server.

Showing 11 responses by jallen

Try to hear the new Plasmatron from vh audio. Factory direct only. We compared it to the PS Audio regeneration system. No contest. The PT was not just a little better. But few believe what other philes hear as tastes vary. Hear one for yourself. A new Ps Audio owner heard one and said he had to get one. They are that good. They are not cheap, 3500-4000.00 for the small one. The digital improvement was substantial. Don't throw out the PS. The PT doesn't do surge protection. Use both. Mine arrives in late January. I have no financial interest with Plasmatron or vh audio. Jallen
After hearing the Plasmatron, I had to rethink my skepticism of line treatment of any kind...power cords, filters, ac plugs etc. The difference was greater than going from a Benchmark to a Berkeley DAC. With that kind of a diffetence I verified it by hearing comparisons in several systems. I recommend the same. The best thing I can tell you is to not undetestimate AC treatment. The problem is most AC treatment I have heard in the past is too slight to get excited about. I was not excited about the sound from the Grey or PS audio. The sound wasn't worse, just not much better. Very slight at best. When I get my unit and live with it for a couple of months I will write a more thorough review. Jallen
What is great in one system can be dreadful in another. AC treatment is trickey so audition with all sources and keep it for a week if possible. JALLEN
Taters, I totally agree with your assessment. I could never understand the AC hype until I heard the Plasmatron. I had a friend who wanted to do an audition of AC tweaks and letting curiosity override skepticism I participated. We compared the PT against the Bit 20, a very credible product if one believes the press, and the difference was like a good tube preamp to a cheap ss unit. Now, not every system was as dramatic in comparisons. This system had 2 dedicated lines, TAD Reference, Ypsilon preamp Synergestic cables and has been a system as good as I have heard. Will the PT have this effect for you? I don't know. I just recommend you try to hear one and why not a Bit 20, what works for one-------
Best Wishes for the New Audio Year, Jallen
You will have to call the phone number on the website and odds are that Chris hinself will pick up the phone and give you all the details. He is setting it up so that you can have two or 4 outlets, and decide on the type of outlets. I chose Rhodium with Furutech as did most listeners. The exterior can be gold, silver or black. The construction is of aerospace aluminum. Tolerances are very tight. Chris is very anal about details and anticipates the one I receive will be slightly better than the one we had for demo. He was so confident, he offered a return policy of ----I can't recall, but 2-4 weeks or so, if buyers paid shipping.
My understanding was there were going to be minor cosmetic changes so he was waiting until the first order arrives to have the most accurate photos. From all I could find research wise, the unit targets the phase angle and and enhances AC alignment. I asked for more tech details but the details are a bit guarded as one might suspect. Similar technology was used in submarines for radar according to a military engineer I know. He was surprised the technology had not been tapped yet. I am currently in Brazil and will return to CA Sunday and will find some preliminary photos so you can have a look at the unit. Demo units are scheduled with the first batch arriving mid month. It really is worth the demo. Jallen
My apologies for the lack of clarity. As I do almost all correspondence with e-mail I forgot he sent me his #.
When I initially corresponded with him it was e-mail only and I was inquiring about diy power cables. This was when the e- mail conversation went into conditioners and he just had a prototype returned from review and our group decided to evaluate. He sent me his phone # when I wanted more detailed info. I assumed it was on the site. I didn't realize it was not printed. Send an e-mail to him. Barring weekends, responses were prompt for me. Request the # if you want to actually converse. Jallen
I just received my Plasmatron from vh audio and strongly recommend a listen before any big purchases. Mine has 4 Furutech Rhodium outlets and will manage 3 amps or approx. 360 watts. A preamp is usually pulling 60-90 watts a DA converter 20-50 watts cd player the same or less.
Sonically, you will just to listen for yourself. All I can say is a friend who just bought one is replacing his Synergestic power cell with the Plasmatron. I like it better thsn the Ps audio powerplant I compared it with. They are not cheap at about 4k. The build quality is superb. 5-6 friends also purchased one. None are returning them. They do have a generous return policy. When mine is broken in I will write a formal review. Jallen
The problem is not when the lights go out but when they come back on with a big surg od power and everything gets slammed. Usually a big DC thump which is great on tweeters. Surge protection is good, even at some marginal audio sacrifice. MOV's are effective but can allow voltage in excess of 120 -140V to slip by making components very unhappy. Jallen
This weekend I will be traveling to a friends house to evaluate the PT3. We will be listening to Ypsilon preamp, CAT 200 wpc,monos and Berkeley DAC with TAD Reference speakers. Also evaluatimg at an Acapella/ Ypsilon system and a Legacy Whisper system. Should be exciting. I will keep you posted. I have only listened for 10 hours and loaned it to a dealer-friend and he heard it and bought one. They seem to be for real. We shall see how the test of time and rock to classical is perceived. All systems have the PT 3. Jallen

A few listening sessions are over. I will be listening more for the next several weeks and compiling them into a formal review to submit here. One thing for certain is that having TAD Reference with Ypsilon preamp/SME table/ Graham arm/ CAT monos, Berkeley/ Mac mini this is one of the finest systems I have heard at any price. The room is huge with a vaulted ceiling and the room is at least 600 square feet. The room is the size of the big demo rooms at the CES and RMAF shows. Cables were Synergestic with silver bullets. Full Synergestic room resonator treatment was also implemented. This set-up is an all out assault on high rez playback, a true "Reference" system if there ever was one. Worst part of the system? It wasn't mine, and winning the lotto isn't something I am planning around. I am grateful Nick is generous enough to let a group of philes hear a glimpse of Nirvana.
Regarding the conditioner, more time is needed before conclusions are reached. Jallen