looking for a nice small home theatre set up

i currently have ageing Linn home stereo(pretek set up) and now i would like to enjoy a home theatre set up with the same audio quality that i have been used to...
can anyone here recomend me such a set up......maybe it could be a ALL IN ONE componant or just a DVD player and AMP...
i am looking for MINIMUM features if possible and nice body and detail in the audio...
i would like to keep things less cluttered the older i get.

Showing 1 response by joolzriff

reubent.......yes i should of been more detailed in my description.....
i'm not sure about all the 5.1 & 7.1.........i know we watch a lot of flix and rock dvd's and enjoy music listening........i would like to enjoy the sound effects that todays movie and concert dvd's offer.
i would like to use the linn tukan speakers for now until i can afford better or different.
i cant afford the Linn Uni disk system as markphd reccomended but maybe could stretch to the LInn classic movie system but i am worried that may not have the UMPH for music(maybe a subwoofer would help).
also i would consider a DVD player and home theatre amp...small and basic and with enough power to be satisfied with in a medium size living room.
thanx for all your replys