Looking for a new DAC -- Tube or not tube?

Recently sold my exceptional digital SS processor/pre-amp to focus on 2-channel. Picked up a Sonic Frontiers Line-3 as a replacement. Now I need a new DAC (or do I?). Given the state of flux in digital, a big investment I'm not sure is really wise, but would like to go $1000 - $1500 for a DAC. I would consider a tube DAC, as long as I don't loose bass extension or firmness. The amp is an EAD Powermaster 1000 which is bi-amping a pair of Mirage M3-si's. My current transport is an EAD T-7000 with ST glass output. (as this unit still works perfectly fine, I understand I am to count myself lucky. It sounds great). I could also use my old EAD DSP-7000 mkII DAC, which performed well in the past. I have 1000+ Cd's and a good number of HDCD's. Is HDCD decoding worth having (presumably with the new PMD-200 filter)?
A few of the unit's I am considering are:
EVS Millenium II (although I am cautious about the long term viability of the company)
Assemblage 2.7 "platinum" edition (all the possible upograde goodies included K-series PCM1704,OPA627AP, PCM-200) perhaps with an Assemblage DSD-1
Kora Hermes (although this piece is stll much of a mystery, and would like to know more about it - not something I can go audition)
I've heard too many mixed reviews about the MSB and Perpetual units in this range that I would probably stay away from them.
Camelot Arthur (would wait for the immenent new 24/192 version)
Are there other unit's I should consider? Any comment's, recactions, thought's on the short list above? Thanks!

Showing 1 response by fineberg

You might pick up a used Muse 296 for around $1500. That is a phenomenal sounding DAC.