looking for a more efficient speaker.....

some thing with a higher then my current rated 86 alon IV.  something more easier to drive.  i love the way the sound but i have to drive them at 1-2 oclock to get the best sound and then you start to hear the strain.   let me know, i dont have big pockets so keep that in mind, plus i like floor standing types.


Showing 4 responses by sbank

The Alon IVs are very good and compared to new prices or even used prices of more recent options, you'll be hard pressed to match them without spending fairly big bucks. The big woofer and deep low end of the IVs is a strength. With most speaker brands a common compromise to hit various price levels is first get good performance in mids & highs, then in higher prices, get larger cabinets and more low end performance. So keep that in mind as many of your choices may play louder and more efficienctly with your amp, lesser impactful and quality bass may be a risk. 

@ghdprentice 's suggestion to post your system and room details on a system page is the best advice. 

FWIW, once you share that, amp change suggestions may make more sense. 

One other question is there any chance that the cones need refoaming? Millersound is the industry standard for that...it's quite reasonable and considering the age of the Alons may be worth researching before placing a large bet.

PS: I'm a former Alon II, Alon V and Nola Viper Signature owner. Cheers,


MC is a great amp. Perhaps due to age, some caps need replacement, especially since you already refoamed the drivers. Or same in the preamp. 

Can you borrow a friend's decently powered amp or preamp for an hour or two and try to narrow down where in the chain the issue is arising?  This would be way smarter than overreacting. 

IMHO Alon IVs beat most of the options in that list you posted. If the issue is the amp or pre needing service, and you find out by trading speakers, you will feel terrible. Cheers,


I agree with the suggestion to ask Carl at Nola what amps are good matches for the Alons. Then try to borrow one or something similar. Tell him the trouble and you're trying to narrow things down after the refoaming he arranged for you. He and his wife(Marilyn?) are both kind and helpful IMHE. Cheers,
