looking for a Integrated amp $6,000 range

I'm looking for a Integrated amp without DAC any suggestions ? 

Showing 4 responses by jjss49

Luxman/Accuphase, are they full of Chinese parts ? Hegel must be too.

here we go with this nonsense again
The Gryphon Diablo looks interesting. Hegel H 390 could be more readily available and the $6000 price point might get the job done for me. A brand of interest to me is the modwright KWI 225. Has anyone had any experience with this product?

a hegel h390 can be had for under 5 grand, a bit less used, the top model h590 is around 6500 used

with legacy focus as speakers the h390 would have more than enough power and should do great with the controlling the multiple bass/mid drivers

i have not had dan wright's kwi range of gear, i have had his tube preamp and a couple cd players, and know his target voicing for his gear ... my guess would be that since his kwi integrated is a hybrid unit with a tube pre stage, it may have a bit more imaging magic than the hegel, but the hegel will have better bass... the top hegels are VERY refined sounding yet gutsy in the bass, zero harshness, black black background - modwright kwi may have a touch more midrange magic/bloom but higher noise floor
Linear Tube Audio


i concur with this though, but their top integrated with real mullard el34’s is $8250

it is absolutely superb though

but for 6 grand i would buy a big hegel and consider the onboard dac as a throw in... my understanding is it will outperform any solid state luxman unless you go low-watt class a only into a very high efficiency speaker, then they are on par