Looking for a hybrid integrated to do it all!

Hi everyone, I'm sure this request will draw some ire from the "separates only" crowd but here goes! I'm looking to transition my separate preamp/DAC/amp stack to a more minimalist setup fairly soon but have had some trouble turning up possible components. Here are my rough requirements:

  • Needs to be a hybrid tube/SS design as I like the tube sound too much to let go
  • Needs to have a high quality integrated DAC
  • Should be well built and competently designed with good components
  • Has to output a decent amount of current (around 100wpc @ 4 ohms)
  • This is subjective but it needs to be aesthetically pleasing
  • Bonus points if it has a high quality integrated phono stage (not a must since I'm willing to go separate on this)
  • Bonus points if it has a remote
Pretty much the only option I've found so far that checks all the boxes is the Heaven11 Billie. If anyone has any suggestions of other products to look into that are like this, definitely let me know! For what its worth, I will be using this with a pair of Dynaudio Contour 20s and my budget is no more than $2500 (but I would consider used gear as well). Thanks!

Showing 1 response by primarist

Phew, thanks for all the awesome responses! Can I say that this community is amazing for giving advice like this? Just going to address some of the comments:

  • The Unison Due looks like an excellent amp but unfortunately lacks the connectivity I need (optical or SPDIF). It also looks like it doesn't come with a remote which is disappointing.
  • The Vinnie Rossi suggestion is exactly what I'm looking for....minus $16,000! Lol
  • Peachtree has always been on my radar but how do they typically sound?
  • Vincent has also been interesting to me, but I've heard mixed reviews on them! Some say they sound mushy and thin for a tube amp.
  • The Pathos Logos is probably the closest to what I'm looking for in this thread. I cant decide if it's beautiful or ugly though, at the end of the day audio equipment is also furniture and has to look the part. Very nice piece of equipment though.
Anyways, keep the suggestions coming!