Looking for a high end integrated to suit Dynaudio contour 5.4's

Hi All

I am looking to move to an integrated amp to drive my Contours.  Dyns look to respond well to amps that are high current as I have had a Griffen Diablo connected into my system and there was a massive difference in the performance of my Dyns.  While I would love a Griffen its pricey so I am looking for an alternative.  At this stage I have been considering a Pass Labs INT-250, Audia Flight FLS-10, Vitus R-101 and Griffen Diablo 300.

Does anyone out there have any of these speaker/amplifier combinations or other suggestions around amplification for the Contours?


112 posts
07-22-2018 10:21am
@tpreaves, thier Integrated is only putting out 40 watts @4 ohms. Is that enough power for a full range, 4 ohm load with 87db efficiency? On the webpage it states “The V 40 SE is the perfect amp for speakers with an average efficiency rating”. And I don’t think the separates would be within the OP’s budget.
 Octave has more models than the V40. The V70SE or the V110SE that jafant mentioned above would be perfect,IMHO.
@tpreaves, Fair enough. That’s another option for the OP to consider. There are lots of good tube integrateds out there like the Vac 160i. Though personally I’m more of a ss guy these days.

No sure OP is opened to tube amps. Granted Dynaudio has partnered with Octave in some of their hi-fi shows. But I reckon he is more of ss amp guy and do know some of his favorite music is high on dynamic range. Head room! You always need head room. Is tube amp rated 110W @ 4ohm enough?

On top of this AV bypass is a must feature on his list. Please correct me if I am wrong @plb02
Thanks to all for the responses,  my preference would be solid state amp and integration into home theatre the ideal.  No dedicated room for me unfortunately.  My main reason for opening the thread was to find an Amp that audiogon members had paired with Dyns and have seen them to have synergy.
Another dark horse to consider is the Rowland Continuum S2 which ticks atleast three of your boxes...prodigious power (800 watts @ 4 ohms), has a HT bypass option & is in your budget. Rowland amps only come in their ubiquitous face plate, but it looks good if you don’t mind a bit of bling. The only thing is it is a Class D amp, but Jeff has been doing Class D longer than anyone, so it has the familiar JRDG house sound. That said, there is no substitute for auditioning gear, as at the end of the day you have to like the sound.