Looking for a great XLR Digital cable

I'm currently using a Transparent Reference xlr digital cable. My DVD/CD player is an Ayre D-1x & my processor is the ML no.40. The Transparent isn't a bad cable however when listening to music I don't really like how the vocals sound ( they tend to have a hint of a digital sound to them). Last week I audition a ML 390S & although it sounded better than the Ayre with music it still had that same sound with the vocals. A friend of mine suggested that I try a couple of different cables. Is there a better XLR cablet than the Transparent. My speakers are Revel Salons & my amps are ML 436's... Thanks!

Showing 1 response by myoussif

Mg123, just for your info the Transparent Digital cable doesn't have any network box on it. So your statement is not entirely true in this case.

In my system between the dCS Verdi SACD transport and the Purcell, I very much preferred the Transparent over the Syn. Research Designer Reference and over the Resolution Reference X-series. I guess like you know, it will differ from one system to another and from one person to another.

Try the HMS cables, I am trying them and they sound very promising.
Good luck