Looking for a good full range floor stander

Hello all.  Making a good two way system for a 20 x 40x 12 high room budget 12k to 16 k.  Powered by a bryston 14b cubed amp.  Have a surround system with Golden ear ref and surrounds powered by parasound a21 for mains  and Carver cinema grand for surrounds. Like the GEs  The speakers I'm looking for will be for music only lots of jazz (female vocalist a fav), classical, classic rock and roll (70's and up).  I have heard good things about proac k6, Joseph audio, and a few others but am not within 4 hours of audition range.  Real interested in people in the know about the proac or suggestions.  Thanks in advance.
Legacy-Audio Focus.
Infinity Kappa 9.

Pretty sure your 14B are the 7B’s in one unit, I believe you can drive the Kappa 9’s but, I would make sure the 14B is stable down to 2-ohms.

I currently own both and they can deliver some serious spl.
I reread and you are shopping in the $12-16k range. My first listen would be the Vienna acoustics ‘the music’ your rooms big enough to handle the bass from the 3 9” woofers per box. 
Dear paliden,
Good morning / afternoon / evening. I have owned a pair of ProAC K6s for nearly a year and have been consistently delighted with them. No matter what the genre or era of music, these speakers deliver. They're well-balanced from head to foot, dynamic and accurate, but also highly engaging and musical. Yes, I too listen to some Cream, Clapton, Pink Floyd and a few pleasant-sounding ladies, all of which the K6s handle with utter aplomb.

However, my room is nothing as large as yours - it's only about 25' long, 13' wide and 13' high. As has been brought up several times in this thread, therefore, I am not at all sure whether the K6s will work as well for you as they have for me. The K8s may well do the trick, but at list price they are beyond your stated budget.
The Dali Oberon 5 gets a glowing revue in this months Absolute Sound .
I have heard them 5-6 hours on a good system . At 3 way with built in stands it's the best speaker I've ever heard for anything like the money.In the last 50 years I've owned over 100 speakers , heavy on KEF , Magnepan , Totem and such . Oberon 5 is 1500 $ !

I could stop right now and be perfectly happy with the Oberon 5.Listening was to jazz and classical but they are neutral enough for any genre .  They look nice as well and will get a high WAF  .
If you want stellar sound in your price range I doubt you will beat the Klipsch KPT-942-B THX . Full range fidelity you will be shocked at and very efficient. Made for 200 seat theaters or small auditoriums and to be put into venues that demand great quality sound. It will fill that sized room up louder than you can stand with crystal clear audio. You know lots of people poo-poo these types of speakers and I don't get it. I suppose it is because they have never heard them but you are missing out if you are in the hunt and don't at least find a set to listen to.  I have had systems with the bass bin which does things like Toccata and Fugue in D Minor really well and the K-402 horn I have on my existing system goes from 500hz to 20khz and you will hear things you have never heard before with these.