Looking for a good DAC under $500

I would like to set up a DAC with my Bluesound node 2.  Anyone has what they consider a "Best Buy"?

I appreciate your time,

Maybe consider a MusicHall 25.3. I got one used and it's a good performer for the buck and is well within your budget. There are reviews out there saying it's most impressive with MP3's. Having said that I'm a Tidal HiFi subscriber.I'm about to try rolling Opamps which this unit is great for as no soldering is required. This can also be achieved within your budget. Put a search in Hifishark.com. Good luck.
I also have an original DacMagic.  I got it because it was an inexpensive solution with 2 digital inputs (plus USB) and balanced outputs.  Sounds fine to me.  If you don't need DSD and MQA, I can't see anything wrong wit it for the price.  That being said, I am looking to upgrade in the near future.
I have an essence hdacc and have been been very pleased with its versatility. Currently hooked up to an old Adcom 535 amp and KEF LS50's surprisingly good sound out of an older pc. Bought OPPO Sonica Dac and do not hear much difference between the two. Good value with HDMI.
" A used Teac UD-501 outperforms the Schitt Bifrost"

Any idea how it compares to the Bimby?