Looking for A Cost Effective Phono Amp- Any suggestions?"

I am looking for a cost effective phono amp. System include Rotes A14 Integrated Amp, Linn Basik Turntable with Akito tone arm, Rega Exacta 2 Cartridge. Very satisfied with turntable. not so much with cartridge. Not interested in breaking the bank. Prefer a device that can provide reasonably quality for MM and MC cartridge. Any suggestion? 

Showing 1 response by coachpoconnor

I agree with the MF guy. Not sure about the sound of some of their amps, but their entry level DACs and phono stages are good. 
Audio Advisor, Music Direct and Upscale Audio have several models on sale under 1K.
Musical Surroundings Nova Phonomena. Probably find one used for $500,00.