Looking for a contact information of Muse Audio chief engineer - Kevin Halverson

Hello to everyone! Can anyone help me to find a contact information of Kevin Halverson? Having some questions regarding Muse Model Eleven and can't find any way to get an answers on it, as all if the emails I found so far are not working anymore 


Thanks, a lot for an information. Hope that it will help.

Just in case, I'll post here the problem, what I actually looking to solve with Kevin's help.

I have Muse Model Eleven CD/SACD/DVD player, with installed optional input module and quite happy with it's performance. However recently, playing with its remote, I somehow was able to switch it to the mode (I think so), where it plays only SACD as a full player. It plays CD, when I'm using it as a transport, but sends no sound, when I'm using it as a player with analog outputs, despite it recognizing CDs and showing all the playing progress on the display. 

I'm really frustrated as I tried all of the settings from the TV Menu, read all Instruction, tried all combinations on remote, but still can't get it to work with CD, as it was before. Only SACD are playing from analog outputs and CD from digital.

Will be extremely appreciated for any possible help!

Why would you expect them to share Kevin's contact information? He no longer works at that company and has no obligation to do anything not even answer a quick email. He may choose to make contact but that's his choice he is under no obligation.

 Well, I'm in situation, where I have not much options to chose from, so every opportunity counts.