The Rotel, Audiolab and Cambridge 851c may not sound as good as what the op has now...
I like the Audiolab CDT6000 a bit more than the Cabridge CXC.
OP, my advice would be to just get a nice dac and a Cambridge CXC or Audiolab cdt6000
I’ve had the CXC, CDT, Azur 851C, and am currently using a musical fidelity a3.2 cd with a Schiit Gungir Multibit dac (R2R dac).
I like the Audiolab CDT6000 a bit more than the Cabridge CXC.
OP, my advice would be to just get a nice dac and a Cambridge CXC or Audiolab cdt6000
I’ve had the CXC, CDT, Azur 851C, and am currently using a musical fidelity a3.2 cd with a Schiit Gungir Multibit dac (R2R dac).