looking for a better DVD player

Hello All,

I tried this thread on the HT heading under a different title and got no response. Lets see if the digital heading will do better.

I'm considering replacing my Pioneer Elite DVC-36 DVD player and these machines have caught my attention. The Ayre D-1, Arcam FMJ DV-27 and the Camelot Technology Round Table. Anyone out there w/personal experience and or opinions, I would love to hear from you. I already have a music only cdp, the Metronome CD2v Signiture, so the most important thing is the best video and surround sound performance. If you know of any other player(s) I should add to this list, I would like to hear from you as well. My TV is a Mitsubishi 46809 HD ready RPTV. Any info would really be appreciated. Thanks in advance......John

Showing 1 response by meri5862

I have owned several DVD players that include:

Ayre D-1x (current)
EAD Theatervision P
Meridian 586.2

All had excellent surround sound capability and picture. Since each also saw duty as an audio transport, the Ayre was best for this purpose, not surprisingly since weighs in as the most expensive unit of the three.

As a detected CD player, the Ayre also excelled in overall sonic ability. Very transparent, detailed top-to-bottom, dynamic and finesse. Of course, the 2-ch audio option at $2750 is more costly than some CD players but it definitely shows its worth.

In terms of video, the Ayre may have a slight edge over the others offering a more detailed, noise-free, smoother picture with better colors. Again, you would only perceive this using a high-quality video monitor and cable.

Finally, Ayre's customer service is the best I have come across. They are very friendly and helpful people. When you leave a message, they return your calls within a day. Can't go wrong here. Never had to deal with Meridian or EAD, so please do not read this as a comparative commentary on their service.

Send me an email if you have any further questions.