looking for a better DVD player

Hello All,

I tried this thread on the HT heading under a different title and got no response. Lets see if the digital heading will do better.

I'm considering replacing my Pioneer Elite DVC-36 DVD player and these machines have caught my attention. The Ayre D-1, Arcam FMJ DV-27 and the Camelot Technology Round Table. Anyone out there w/personal experience and or opinions, I would love to hear from you. I already have a music only cdp, the Metronome CD2v Signiture, so the most important thing is the best video and surround sound performance. If you know of any other player(s) I should add to this list, I would like to hear from you as well. My TV is a Mitsubishi 46809 HD ready RPTV. Any info would really be appreciated. Thanks in advance......John

Showing 3 responses by jrwr7

Hey All,

Thank you for the info/suggestions. Now, to address everyone.

Lthkeepr, unfortunately I have limited space and would not be able to accommodate anything larger than what I currently have.

Porschecab, I would love to read the great DVD shootout you mentioned. As for the Cal Labs, I think I would like to stay w/something that still has a company behind it.

Avguygeorge, yes, I have calibrated the Mitsu and it made a big difference. I'm also running RGPC S400's(2) for front end and video, they do help.

Meri5862, thank you for the insight on the Ayre D-1x but the more I think about it the more I realize that this machine, as great as it may be, is out of my price range.

Ericamd, thanks for the info on the reviews. I did not read it all but from what I did read it seems the the Camelot might be what I'm looking for.

Thank you all very much for sharing your insight and experience w/me, I really appreciate the input......John
Hello folks,

Flemke, I don't feel comfortable going from Pioneer Elite to Sony. Call me a snob but I feel that I've graduated from that level of equipment and have my sights set a bit higher.

Soix, due to a bad experince w/Denon the company and a dealer, I will never purchase another piece from them. Not even to drop it off a roof to watch it explode. Thank you for the suggestions......John
What's up folks,

Flemke, I understand that some Sony products are highly regarded and all, but my point was the mid-fi stigma that Sony and Pioneer share. I would not feel comfortable having a Sony heading up my system no matter how good it's supposed to sound and look. Yes, I know. Snob!!!

Fs_audio, what does the Simaudio Stellar cost and are there any reviews I could get a look at. I would be interested in getting as much info on it as possible for comparison purposes.

Thanks for the info people, keep'um coming.....John