looking for a better DVD player
Hello All,
I tried this thread on the HT heading under a different title and got no response. Lets see if the digital heading will do better.
I'm considering replacing my Pioneer Elite DVC-36 DVD player and these machines have caught my attention. The Ayre D-1, Arcam FMJ DV-27 and the Camelot Technology Round Table. Anyone out there w/personal experience and or opinions, I would love to hear from you. I already have a music only cdp, the Metronome CD2v Signiture, so the most important thing is the best video and surround sound performance. If you know of any other player(s) I should add to this list, I would like to hear from you as well. My TV is a Mitsubishi 46809 HD ready RPTV. Any info would really be appreciated. Thanks in advance......John