Looking fo krell 450 mcx monos

Anyone know of a good pair for sale

Showing 1 response by arcticdeth

Keep searching!
those amps are friggin wicked great, will drive any American and most Euro speakers. 
 Except those MBL Radiostrahler speakers which have shut down almost every amp except their own and the Sanders Magtech amp. 

Hope you find a great pair, they are magnanimous, and will last a long time. Should you find a pair, send to Krell to upgrade, update them, have them looked at.  Whatever you do, take the time and drive them to Krell, drop off, talk to Krell, have them serviced. I’m keeping my Emotiva amps (I know, I know)
they are good hand me down amps for beginner system!

  Anyway, mentioning that name is a Krell place is blasphemy. 
 Keep us informed. Unless you find a similar pair of monos as good. Classe, Vincent, Sanders, Carver,....

almost bought a pair of classe monos’ (I think the 300W ones)
but for 200 less I bought a different pair and have been ecstatic since.  Actually my brother bought a pair of McCormack dna-750s’ instead of my referral to the classe 300W mono amps! He says the dna-750 amps by McCormack/conrad Johnson were a better deal than the classe amps. He has been an audio junkie since the late 70’s, and is familiar with steve, and mod squad. 
  He stands behind his choice on the McCormack dna-750 Mono pair vs the classe amps. He said the classe amps are definitely possibly better for resale , and I think he said they do have class A for first few watts, .but McCormack monos will be warmer sounding, and be a better choice in the long run, due to upgrades, and contacting the designer,....CJ is great, but steve McCormack is a great guy and is a better designer and ......whatever he said,....

I told him the classe amps would have been better, they were also a couple hundo less for the mono pair,.....he insisted on the McCormack stuff, as his past experience with past mod squad gear. 

    I keep telling him the classe would have been a better choice,....I forget t he actual model, I know they were 300/600/1200 RMS, WITH A better power supply than the McCormack which uses a old Jensen power supply wrapped, not the torroid like the classe. The McCormack is 600-700 @8Ohm depending on the house power.    1000W+ at 4Ohm, only. 
 I looked at. The specs, and the classe has a better power supply more capacitance, better specs,.....

yet he said, specs are on paper , and mean nothing,  it’s the sound, and what the speakers, amp, source, etc gives you,......I agree as only a few combos have made the hair on my arms, neck stand up the way his McCormack system did. 

 He absolutely LOVED the odyssey kismet amps I bought, to try to compete with him.   He said for only 200 W at 8 Ohm, and NOT doubling down to 4 Ohm, they had a lot of power, and balls, he said the output was different to his speakers, said they controlled his speakers better,....

anyway, what do you all think??

         I’ve been listening to the mccorma amps and the odyssey amps, as well as a Sunfire 600 sig for quite so,e time.

      3 very fine amps! With 3 different sound signatures!