Looking at upgrading to a new MC cartridge any thoughts?

Hi everyone I had recently just bought a new Rega RP8 turntable and bought a Dynavector 20X2L as my first moving coil cartridge to see what all the hype is on MC. I was thinking of getting a second cartridge and use this one as a back up. I was looking at the dynavector XX2 MKII. over the 17D3 Because Im worried bout the diamond cantilever and getting dust very easily on it. But for the same money I could get the Rega Apheta2. So I must ask is the dynavector xx2 better preforming cartridge over the Aphata 2? Whats your guys thoughts on this?

Showing 2 responses by chakster


my first moving coil cartridge to see what all the hype is on MC.

So what's the hype, Jake? 
Which MM did you tried before? 
@jakecanada i think the whole universe of beautiful vintage MM cartridges is missing if you only tried those two modern ortofons. I'm going to the oppisite direction from very expensive modern MCs to less expensive vintage MMs. Those cartridges like Audio-Technca AT-ML170 OCC and AT-ML180 OCC or OFC might be rare and hard to find, but they are much better than the most expensive MCs up to $4500 i have tried in my system. In my opinion it's better to try 10 rare vintage MM cartridges, than one super expensive MC you may not like afterall. Even extremely rare vintage MMs from the 80s are cheaper than new MC in this crazy world. So i don't understand the hype about MCs.