Looking at upgrading current speakers

I am currently using Mirage 3si for my main spekaers in my two channel system. I have upgraded to a Sonic Frontiers Line 3 preamp, Processor 3 and SFT-1 with I2SE connection. I am using an Aragon 8008BB to drive everything. I like the Mirages but am looking for more depth, clarity, transparency and all around tonal balance. The Mirages have the bass that I like but I am looking for a little more. I have Auditioned the Silverline Sonatina II and Magnepan 3.6. They sound very good through the midrange and upper registers but the bass was not there. I have seen ads for Silverline Sonata III, Meadowlark Blue Heron, Genesis V and Von Schweikert 5 HSE. I have heard great things about these speakers but have not heard them. I am looking to spend around $4.5k. I'm soliciting any and all opinions on these and any other speakers you think would give me what I am looking for at the price I am willing to pay.
I have found a pair of Vandersteen 4as for a very good price. I think I am going to pick them up.
I too have mirage 3si's.I have had them since 1995 and had been very happy with them. I too use them with aragon amps.Early this year i too felt i wanted more and went shopping.I decided on Reimer Tetons.Killer bass along with very good mids and highs.Retail is $5800. Well worth it!Blow away my mirage! Good luck in your search.Kevin